After inserting your Idea Cellular SIM card on your smartphone, you will need some internet settings just like any other network in order to connect to the internet. For Android devices, go to settings and you will find it generally under wireless networks. navigate to Mobile data then Access Point Names(APN). Add new then add the settings below.

If you are using an iPhone, go to settings -> Mobile Networks -> Mobile Data Networks then input the settings below.
Here are Idea Cellular India APN Internet Settings:
- Name: Idea Internet
- APN: internet
- Username: (Not set – Leave it blank)
- Password: (Not set – Leave it blank)
- Proxy : (leave it blank – not set )
- Port : (Leave it blank – not set)
- Server : (leave it blank )
- MMSC : ( Leave it blank )
- Multimedia Message proxy : (leave blank)
- Multimedia message port : (Not Set)
- MCC : (Keep default)
- MNC : (Keep default)
- Authentication type : (none)
- APN type : (default,supl)
- APN protocol : (IPv4)
- Bearer : (Unspecified)
- Mobile virtual network operator : (none )
Once you have added these setting, save then use them. Remember to choose your proffered network as LTE/WCDMA/GSM then restart your phone so that these settings can take effect.
Jio India APN Internet Settings
Vodafone Idea India APN Internet Settings
Airtel India APN Internet Settings
BSNL India APN Internet Settings
Aircel India APN Internet Settings
Videocon Telecom India APN Internet Settings
Idea Cellular India APN Internet Settings
Telenor India APN Internet Settings
Tata Docomo India APN Internet Settings
MTNL India APN Internet Settings
Reliance India APN Internet Settings
MTS India APN Internet Settings
BSNL India APN Internet Settings